What is HypnoBirthing?

A wonderfully relaxing and stress-free method of birthing.

HypnoBirthing in Christchurch

Hypnosis for Fertility, Birth & Beyond

  “Creating a natural bridge between mind and body, hypnosis eases the way through conception, birth, and baby’s first weeks.”

The Benefits of HypnoBirthing

HypnoMothering for Childbirth is a thorough, thoughtful childbirth preparation course, set apart by its focus on helping you work with your body (rather than against it) during labour and birth. You will be taught about breathing, relaxation, and given techniques to calm the nervous system and quiet the mind throughout all stages of labour. The course also equips parents to have positive conversations with healthcare providers at every stage of the process. Through hypnosis (a natural state of selective, focused attention), expectant parents learn rapid and instant self-relaxation, breathing techniques to support the work of the body through labour and birth, and self-hypnosis to quiet the mind and create emotional calm. People using hypnosis for childbirth often report less pain, faster births, and a more satisfying birthing experience. Not only are the tools and techniques you learn through HypnoBirthing powerful in applying to your birth, they also offer many benefits throughout everyday life, making it a philosophy.

HypnoBirthing sessions

We work together over three or four sessions and break the categories of what you will learn into the following:

  • Foundations.
  • Mind Body Toolbox.
  • Going Deeper and Informed Decisions.
  • Labour, Birth and Releasing Fears.

Some lessons include:

  • How a mothers body is designed to work in neuromuscular harmony with nature throughout labour and learning to trust and listen to your body.
  • Self hypnosis, relaxation, guided imagery techniques to eliminate any fear and tension that cause long labour and unnecessary levels of pain, replacing them with confidence, calm and comfort.
  • Specific breathing techniques for relaxation, labour and birth and why this matters.
  • Advocating and making informed decisions.
  • Birth Companions Role.
  • Birth Companions Techniques.
  • Priority Birth Preferences.
  • Creating the body's natural anaesthesia.
  • Birthing Affirmations to build confidence and encourage the feelings of excitement about bringing your beautiful baby into the world.
  • Light touch massage to release endorphins and encourage oxytocin flow.
  • How to release fears and concerns from the past or present about giving birth and parenting that can interfere with birth.
  • Natural techniques for the induction of labour, or to re-stimulate a rested labour.
  • The importance of creating a birthing environment that is calm, serene and joyful rather than tense and stressful.
  • How self-hypnosis works.
  • The importance of prenatal and perinatal bonding.

Parent Reviews

"Such a fantastic course, my partner and i thoroughly enjoyed it. All the information was very straight forward with techniques adapted to your style and comfort-ability level. The literature and additional resources provided gave a very simple yet wide range of explanations and guidelines on how to have a peaceful healthy birth with partner and baby where you are 100% in control. Definitely recommend signing up for this course".

Sarah Brandt

"An absolutely brilliant course which really helps to look at your pregnancy and birthing holistically. Giving us the tools to take control and let go of the fear that society has instilled in us. This course will give you the tools to trust your instincts and let your body bring your baby into the world the way nature intended. Becs is a wonderful teacher, and I am so grateful to her for introducing me to Hypnobirthing".

Vannessa Rharrabti

"I am so glad that my husband and I took the time to attend Hypnobirthing course run by the beautiful Rebecca in Christchurch. She is an amazing trainer and beautiful person inside out. We spend few hours a day from week 32 preparing our minds for the beautiful birthing experience of our girl. We cannot thank you enough Bec xx This course empowered me when I was struggling to keep my mind positive. I wish all woman to know these Hypnobirthing techniques, so they all know of their options/choices in calmly and beautifully birthing their baby".

Gagandeep Walia